No one would have even thought that the modest champion figure skater dare to show her body. But she did it and her photos came out very hot. Let’s see what naked Evgenia Medvedeva looks like in the provocative Maxim photo shoot.
Biography of Russian figure skater Zhenya Medvedeva
Evgenia Medvedeva is only 22 years old, but she is already a two-time world champion, European champion and Olympic medalist. She’s also a new Maxim model. Not so long ago, Zhenya left the big sport and tried to do such things that denied before.
Since the age of 14, the girl worked for the Olympics, with all her might achieving success. But she believe that she has done a lot, but not everything. In her interview she talks about how her life has changed after leaving the big sport.
First of all, the girl allowed herself more indulgences in food and parties until 4 am. She also lifted the veil of secrecy over the personal life of figure skaters. It turns out that total control by mentors does not prevent having affairs with boys.
For example, Zhenya has been dating a guy since she was 17 years old. And today she is not single either. Who occupies the heart of Zhenya Medvedeva, the girl does not tell. But it is obvious that the guy is not against the his girlfriend’s nudity on camera.
Naked Evgenia Medvedeva in Maxim magazine
The figure skater prepared for the photo shoot for a long time, despite the fact that she is not at all complex about her body. On the contrary, the girl believes that she is lucky. In spite of her thinness, her breasts are “all right”. A confident second size is even more than okay.
The girl said that she was embarrassed to undress on camera at first. But then she remembered that at the Olympics everyone had already seen her butt many times. So she decided to get naked for the pleasure of all male sports fans. By the way, Zhenya has a great body: slender legs, narrow waist and full breasts. And a gentle face and a slight shyness only add more charm to her.
They chose the pool as the main location for the photoshoot. There naked Evgenia Medvedeva appears in all her glory. She tried on several swimsuits and shot completely topless. By the way, naked Julia Fox has very sexy looks too, even without Kanye West.
Naked Evgenia Medvedeva on her social media
The shy athlete said that the photo shoot in a men’s magazine gave her self-confidence. Now the girl feels sexier and more feminine. She is no longer afraid to open her body and publish hot pics on social media.
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At home, the girl is engaged in handicrafts. In particular, she makes rhinestone paintings together with her mother. She loves her puppy and adores the TV series “Sherlock”. The first thing that the figure skater does in the morning is to check the likes in social media. We’d give a lot of likes to her erotic photoshoot!