Categories: American



Chaney Jones’ name has rare been mentioned in the media since her breakup with Kanye West. A year ago, the girl was Kanye’s new date after he has separated from Julia Fox. No one is surprised that Kanye paid attention to the curvy model. After all, naked Chaney Jones is a hundred percent twin of his ex-wife Kim Kardashian.

Chaney Jones and the best cosplay

naked Chaney Jones

In America, Chaney Jones is known as a Kim Kardashian lookalike. She skillfully cosplays the star, not only with the help of similar outfits, but also plasticity. Perhaps Kanye paid attention to Chaney precisely because of the similarity with his ex-wife. Evil tongues say that the rapper did not meet with Jones seriously, but only “licking his wounds.”

After breaking up with Julia Fox, Kanye West tried to get his ex-wife back. According to an insider, the rap-star still can not forget her. That’s why he chose Chaney Jones as she reminds him of Kim in appearance. Check out the young rap star naked Bhad Bhabie, who also has something to brag about.

naked Chaney Jones

By the way, Jones herself was not against the affair with Kanye. She posted their photos in the stories, told about his gifts, wrote comments on his social media. In some photos, she is not distinguishable from Kim Kardashian. The same skin tone, the same shape. Rumor has it that Chaney also did buttocks plastic surgery to add appetizing curviness to her body.

In social media naked Chaney Jones often appears in the image of Kim Kardashian. She picks up outfits that Kim would wear and is even photographed in similar angles. But Kardashian herself states that Jones needs to be herself if she wants to win over Kanye.

Who is Chaney Jones

nude Chaney Jones

Despite the fact that Chaney Jones graduated from college with a bachelor’s degree, her occupation is difficult to determine. It seems that the girl is engaged in modeling, but there is also evidence that she works in the field of sex services. Chaney moonlights as a Kim Kardashian lookalike at parties. Perhaps this is what allowed her to earn at least 2 billion dollars.


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Also, the model is declaring employment in the charitable sphere. She lists a lot of money to help people who suffered from psychological abuse. Also Chaney Jones is engaged in business, working for her father’s firm. But who is interested in her business, when she posts completely nude photos. The hot brunette feels no shyness in stripping naked. In some pictures she is completely naked, covering only her hair.

Chaney Jones on the beach

Third size breasts, thin waist and prominent hips – the virtues of which the girl is proud. Who cares how such a sexy figure was obtained – by training or under the surgeon’s knife. Everyone who sees in the network her reaviling photos are hardly asked such a question.

Naked Chaney Jones in leaked photos

naked Chaney Jones

nude Chaney Jones

On the wave of the developing romance with Kanye West in the network leaked allegedly photos of Chaney Jones. On them you can see a fully naked star in the most lewd angles. Even more piquant adds the fact that she looks like a copy of Kim Kardashian. Although Kim’s fans are calling Chaney a fake.